Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Punishing Scientific Liars

The problem with publishing articles about the outrages perpetrated by evildoers is that you wind up promoting the evildoers. In the process of promoting justice, you might accidentally promote evil instead. After all, as the expression goes in the entertainment business: "Print whatever you want. Just spell my name right!"

So in the spirit of correcting injustice, I will instead present ten awesome people who deserve your attention and praise:

Warren Buffett - Great financial, investment, business advice, attitude, and outlook

Thomas Sowell - First class thinker, a man who plows through controversial topics as though he were wielding a vorpal blade [hey, it's been way too long since I worked in a Carroll reference to this blog's title...]

Meryl Streep - A master at her craft. Much better and longer-lasting than your average popular face in Hollywood.

Matt Groenig - Author of the "Life in Hell" strip and then The Simpsons, a classic television show that has withstood now for decades.

Tori Amos - She makes music that doesn't wear out, and she's prolific, different, and--dare I say it this way?--spicy.

Frank Tipler - Physicist who dares to blur the line separating God and Science through the use of cutting edge physics. This isn't pop physics or pop religiosity. Prepare to resume your graduate level math to follow his papers and read the appendices of his books.

Richard Dawkins - Author of perhaps the best scientific book of the last 30 years, The Selfish Gene.

Bruce Schneier - Security expert. In the digital era, knowing about computer security is not just a good idea, it is a survival skill, and Bruce has a great blog that maps out most of the pertinent topics.

Dan Seligman - Former Fortune columnist, and then a Forbes columnist, who was always pointing surprising statistical facts in his articles. Over and over he showed that conventional wisdom is sometimes pathetically stupid.

Kurt Godel - Famous for his incompleteness theorems, which he proved in 1931.

So who is the evildoer who originally sponsored this column? Oh well, I forgot who they were. And forgotten they shall stay...

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