Thursday, September 29, 2011

Expanding the Vorpal Charter

I've been making a few changes to the Vorpal Trade blog, including changing graphics, coloring, and the description. When I started this blog several years ago I intended to comment on investing and equity trading primarily. Over time, I am finding that I'm writing a lot more about economics and frugality, especially as they relate to our current and future economic states. I see a lot of traction in writing about this, but as I do so I also see that a lot of these topics involve what my university referred to as "the humanities": psychology, economics, history, politics, and anthropology. These are intimately connected with business and the marketplace, and of course, government decisions that impact the economy.

So rather than re-title or create a new blog, I am going to purposely blur the charter, as reflected in the new subtitle Art, science, and economics of the human condition. I think that the net effect will be that I am covering the same material, but in much greater depth.

It should also be more fun. I will be adding some reviews of literature, music, and other arts, and with luck these articles will also come full circle and lead to new insights in business, investing, and economics.

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