Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Students Put Into Debt by Government Aid Part 2

Here is more evidence that gains of a college education are captured by the college itself, not its graduates, and therefore students loans from the Government causes a net transfer of money from students to the universities.

Trapped by $50K Degree in Low-Paying Job
Some of the motivation for the Occupy Wall Street protesters is the phenomenon where society and the university promise a good job upon graduation, and an even better job upon finishing graduate school, then don't deliver.

What? You say that better jobs aren't promised? Yes, they do promise. I'll quote the article:

Debra Stewart, president of the Washington-based Council of Graduate Schools, said advanced schooling is still the “pathway to success in the modern economy.”

“The more education you have, the more highly regarded you are going to be in the workplace,” she said.

There isn't a single person on this planet who doesn't translate "highly regarded" as "better pay."

College Costs Are Rising Faster Than Cost Of Living, Medical Expenses
This article features several graphs of prices relative to 1978 levels for medical care, college costs, and the general cost of living.

I've put this link in not because it pertains specifically to tuition, but as general background education in the economics of rent-seeking behavior:

Some useful passages from the Wikipedia article on rent-seeking:

"From a theoretical standpoint, the moral hazard of rent-seeking can be considerable."

"Rent-seeking may be initiated by...firms that stand to gain from having special economic privileges, which opens up the possibility of exploitation of the consumer."

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