Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Government didn't build that

There are a lot of Government employees and elected officials who draw paychecks. Many of them attribute their positions of privilege and power to their own intelligence and correct political beliefs. But their seemingly justifiable perches over the people is an illusion. There are a lot of smart citizens out there. Let me tell you something, there are a whole bunch of hard working entrepreneurs and skilled workers in America.

If you were elected to office, a lot of people along the line gave you a lot of help. There was a businessman or inventor somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American engine of production and commerce that thrived despite Government intervention. All of the money that Government spent on roads and bridges, that came from hard working people and entreprenuers. Contractors with expertise and skills built them, the Government didn't. If you are in a local, or state, or the national Government, you didn't build that. The PEOPLE and BUSINESS made that happen.

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